family holiday photos, Family Photographer in Orlando

Holiday Family Photos and Priceless Moments They Bring

The holiday season is approaching rapidly. This means a short break from all the stuff that’s going on in the world. A little time to relax and soak up a festive mood wouldn’t come amiss. It is also the best time to continue decades-long family traditions or start some new ones. It is not every day that your family gathers together so you cannot miss a chance to do something fun jointly. A feeling of belonging and togetherness are especially important in the challenging times of the pandemic. Do you want to show your gratitude to the people you care about for being so supportive and amazing? Then how about holiday family photos?

Savor Your Special Moments

The time you spend with your loved ones is priceless. You will surely have many more occasions to come together and but the moment that is here and now is impossible to get back. However, it is possible to preserve a cherished memory, you just need to add some photos to the equation. One-click and this very moment will last forever in the form of a family portrait.

Photographs are excellent storytellers. They show how our children grow and new additions join the squad. They won’t let us forget family members who, sadly, have passed away. The pictures that we take will never be neglected. Instead, they are destined to become gifts, treasures, legacies… They are the celebration of our present and, at the same time, heirlooms for the future generations of our family.

Make Your Bond Stronger

Life is hectic and we don’t always have time for the people that mean the world to us. But the holiday season gives an excellent opportunity to nurture family relationships. In the time of the pandemic, it’s nearly impossible to plan a family getaway. Even booking a restaurant is no is out of the question. Remember how much of a blast these things used to be? Luckily, photographers still work no matter what and this means you have a chance to start a new tradition.


family photography

Nothing can beat those rare moments when you can do something fun together. From picking costumes to being on the set, you’ll have a plethora of smile-inducing memories. Maybe some of these memories will turn into anecdotes or hilarious stories. Years later, you can recall somebody doing something ridiculous and have a good laugh. With family holiday photographs in your hands, these reminiscences are going to be even brighter. And all these joyful experiences will help make your bond the strongest it can be.


Why Professional Holiday Family Photos are Important

family photos, family portraits,

Now that everyone has a smartphone in their pocket, taking pictures is easier than ever. You see a picture-worthy moment, you tap the button, and you’re done. However, this easiness devalues photos at times. We have too many pictures but how often do we get back to them, how many of them do we actually print? I suppose, not often and not many.


Perhaps, this is because these pictures don’t feature this special something that separates them from the rest. Maybe they are not perfect enough to be included in your family album or be hanged on the wall. It’s likely that the lighting could have been better, your wardrobe is all over the place, or something is not ok with the background. Even worse, somebody isn’t there in the picture with the rest of the family. Maybe this somebody is you because you had to hold a camera. Can this be called a family portrait if an important part of the family isn’t in the frame? Nope, not really.

When looking through your smartphone snaps, you would probably want to make things differently. What if you could focus more on staging, think through your outfits and poses, or somehow get rid of ugly shadows and noise. Unfortunately, you can’t travel back in time but you can plan everything better for your next holiday.


For expert-level family portraits, you can’t do without a professional photographer. It is a photographer who is going to take care of the lighting and angles. It is a photographer who has high-end equipment producing top-quality photos. On the other hand, it is you who can have a stress-free experience. It is you who can spend more time with your family without worrying about anything. Sounds like a win-win situation to me.

holiday photos


holiday family photos


Gift-Worthy Pictures

It is no secret that professional photographers are better at handling cameras and stuff. However, good devices and skills to use them are only half the battles. The talent to get the best out of each person is what separates a pro from an amateur. Not everyone is photogenic but a true master of their craft can make each family member irresistible. If their personality shines through and the chemistry inside the group is magnetizing, you will get more than a family holiday portrait.


These photographs can turn into Christmas cards you would want to send to your extended family. Put into stylish frames, they can become an eye-pleasing and meaningful decoration for your home. They are a gift to everyone who shared this beautiful moment with you. Finally, they are a timeline of your family changing and growing but always staying close-knit.


Turnkey Family Holiday Portraits

family portraits,

As we are heading towards the holiday season, it’s high time to think about presents for your loved ones. Want your gift to combine pleasant experiences, bonding moments, and keepsakes? Then it ought to be a family holiday photoshoot. I am Tamara Knight and I am at your disposal if you’d like to get special photographs highlighting the most special moments in your life. It doesn’t matter if you have a small or large family, fun time is guaranteed to everyone. Most importantly, it is absolutely stress-free. I partner with some of the best make-up artists and hairstylists in Florida to deliver don’t-worry-about-anything services. Just show up on time and enjoy yourself, I’ll do the rest.

holiday family portraits

Would you like to convert your family holiday photos into holiday cards? Or maybe you need prints to embellish the walls in your house? I’ve got you covered. Save your time for the people and experiences that matter the most, and I’ll take care of all the little things for you.


holiday family portrait session


holiday family photo
